Set Free Logo

Rich Milani - President

Email Us

PO Box 379

Pleasant Valley, NY 12569

Stanley Garland -Vice President



Upcoming Events

Together We Can Do What You Can Not Do Alone

Family struggling

Get the help and support you deserve

Your addiction doesn't control you!

You are more than your addiction. Anyone who struggles with substance abuse or chemical dependency is welcome in our program. We offer various meetings and events to help you.

Group support when you need it!

  • Family struggles
  • Mentoring
  • By appointment one-on-one counseling
  • 12 steps to sobriety
  • Prison correspondence program
  • Recreational programs
  • Detox and rehab assistance
  • Set Free Re Entry Program available

Share your story with others!

Not everyone is going to understand your fight against your addiction with substance abuse. Meet with our fellowship of men and women so that we can work together to solve this common problem and help one another with recovery.

A lady sitting on her bed

We welcome anyone who struggles with the disease of substance abuse or chemical dependency.


The only requirement is a desire to overcome your addiction and maintain an improved quality of life.

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