"My name is Judy Smith and I am writing this in support of the Set Free Substance Abuse Program. I lost my best friend to alcoholism, so I am speaking from experience. She tried everything to help herself. Hypnotism, AA, Rehab, you name it. Nothing worked. Then we found Set Free. Something, she "enjoyed" going to. I say enjoyed because it was not about what was wrong with her. It was about what was right. Everything else she tried, made her just look deeper into her problem instead of looking for what is outside of the problem for her. She felt love, support, understanding, and God's spirit. Though, her body was already too far gone for repair, her heart was healed. She no longer felt the guilt or embarrassment of her disease. Her spirit was saved. I am so thankful for this program and the people we met through it. It is not about "woe is me" or "whining" about how hard it is for you, or even sympathy. It is about unity, shared faith, reconciliation, acknowledgment, and shared strength. This program, left her feeling love,comfort, and even a little security, in "her" world and within herself. As a matter of fact, I believe she put these words in my head, moved my fingers on the keyboard, and wrote this letter. I miss her terribly and do not want anyone else to go through either side of this story. Set Free Substance Abuse Program is unlike any other, to help those in need. I truly hope it becomes more known and widespread for everyone's sake. Whether you are someone or know someone who is struggling. I truly believe if this is your first step, it may very well be the last "step" you need, and you may want to keep going, after your recovery. There is power among people. Especially those joined by faith, love and hope. God blessed me with this program to know my friend died with peace. I am profoundly grateful."
From Judy Smith
"To whom it may concern! I would like to share with you my experience with the set free program. I was referred by a family member. I received a call immediately and the next day i was picked up by a set free member. He began to tell me about the program. He picked me up for meetings and he gave me other recommendation. Needless to say I am yet set free from my drug addictions. I still continue programs and meetings daily. So Thank you Set free fot all you help!"
From Mckinley Humes Jr.
Set Free is an important asset to the community here in Kingston. As a pastor I have seen the community and what it has done for those who were bound by drugs and alcohol or involved in some type of addiction. Set Free has allowed individuals to come together and express what they have been through with others of like minded. Set Free helps to keep them focus and to fellowship together with other young adults. Set Free not only has church services, but they go out into the community with different events to reach others that are in some type of addiction. Set Free goes out to bring them into a loving and caring environment.It has been a pleasure to work with Set Free to see the many souls of young people it has touched and changed.Pastor Darrell Mills, Strait Gate Church of God in Christ .
Dear madam or sir,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this letter. We at Transformation Life Center have been partnering with the Set Free Substance Abuse program since 2012. During this time Set Free has been contributing to those in our facility who struggle with drugs and alcohol. They use tools such as but not limited to teaching,counseling, training,mentoring, giving, awareness, and the 12 step method to sobriety.Set Free also held events each year which promoted knowledge, wisdom and coping skills on how to live life on life’s terms the clean and sober way. At these events we at Transformation Life Center would participate by giving our testimonials to help someone else in their struggles with drugs and alcohol. We are so greatful and thankful for the success the Set Free substance abuse program has brought to the Transformation life center.” We can do together what we can not do alone”.
Thank you
I was introduced to the Set Free Program and asked to assist and give my extended experience and knowledge in the subject of Alcohol and Substance abuse. While a member with this organization I’ve had the privilege to see the growth and impact this organization has had on individuals who struggle with substance abuse. What really caught my attention was how determined the staff were in their quest for continued outreach which also attracted the attention of those afflicted with their dilemma. I will always be willing to support this striving organization whenever possible and would recommend this program to any family member, teenager, or student willing to seek and defeat their struggle with substance abuse. Through all the work and effort that went into this program, and most important delivering its message, the Set Free Program continues to bring compassion and knowledge to communities which is very much needed. Through my gratitude and appreciation, I extend my heartfelt thank you. It’s been great working with you.
From Vernon